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Harris Miller was the establishment nominee in the VA Dem primary, being the favourite of Mark Warner. Schumer played it very close to the vest, and didn't endorse Webb until June 7, less than a week from the primary vote and after it was clear that polls showed Webb would fare better than Miller against Felix.

I don't suggest that you're dismissing netroots. In fact, it's too early to gauge its true effectiveness. I hope that it will bring democracy to the internal party structures themselves. It should also facilitate the growth of other parties, to break the unhealthy Dem/Repub duopoly.

Woke up this morning MY house was cold

Originally Posted By: EasilyFound
I read some stuff after a Google search about Schumer and Miller vs. Webb, so I understand more how that panned out. But there were news reports that Schumer and Rendell had recruited Casey for the PA senate race. Perhaps they aren't accurate, but that is exactly where I got that information.

If I understand this correctly, Casey wanted no parts of a run for the Senate. He ran against Rendell for Governor in the Primary in 2002 and got crushed. He kept is State Treasurer job and was biding time until he could run for Governor again in 2010.

He had to be talked into it because this state is completely bereft of Democrats.

That is the way I understand it.
Originally Posted By: el_jefe
Originally Posted By: Kelly

That is all kinds of creepy.

Here's more creepy.

That is weeeeeird. How uncomfortable. Somehow I believe this all the parents fault. Daughters just don't discuss sex with their fathers. I mean...there's a way to do it, but not like that. These kids will be sneaking around & lying. It's too strict. It just makes me uncomfortable.

Originally Posted By: Dana
So, is this circle jerk about over?

BTW, excellent photoshop Schmate!

I'd like to take credit but alas, I cannot. I have shamelessly stolen/plagiarized that photo from another site. I feel I should be open about this lest I incur the wrath and scorn of RDW. CJ, my humble apologies in advance. I always thought it was going to be my leftist rants that got me sent to Gitmo but never suspected it would be a harmless c&p picture.

"I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion."

Rumors about Cheney continue, looks like he is next. Then we take this party up a notch! Stoli shots for everyone....

November 10/11/12, 2006 -- According to Washington insiders, there are moves afoot to dump Vice President Dick Cheney and replace him with either John McCain or Rudolph Giuliani prior to the 2008 presidential election. Whoever succeeds Cheney will be able to campaign for the presidency with the perks that come with being an incumbent Vice President.

Since the increasingly-besieged Cheney has signaled he has no intention of voluntarily stepping down, the strategy by the Bush camp may be to force him out by presenting evidence before Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald that it was Cheney who was responsible for the compromise of CIA non-proliferation covert officer Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings & Associates cover firm.

Observers note the unusual professional relationship between Fitzgerald and Karl Rove's defense attorney Robert Luskin. Insiders believe that Fitzgerald may be proffered a carefully crafted deal by Luskin whereby Rove will testify to Cheney's primary role in the outing of Mrs. Wilson and her firm. The sealed indictment of Rove will then be retired permanently. If such a deal is worked out, Fitzgerald may then offer a deal to Lewis I. "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's former Chief of Staff, to also testify against Cheney. With such double-barreled testimony, President Bush will then be compelled to ask Cheney for his resignation or face a very nasty and public indictment.

Cheney is next on the chopping block.

The game plan appears to be what DC insider Sally Quinn foresaw in her Washington Post op-ed last month, an article that suggested she has spoken extensively to a Donald Rumsfeld who was aware of his impending firing. The op-ed stated that Rumsfeld would not be the scapegoat for Iraq and planned to resign shortly after the election. Quinn, seemingly channeling Rumsfeld, stated that after Rumsfeld left, there will be only two scapegoats left: Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. The article concluded by asking which person would be served up as the official scapegoat for Iraq.

This editor wrote, "based on the arrival of James Baker and a coterie of George H. W. Bush old hands on the scene to bail out Dubya, it is clear that the Bush family does not intend to allow one of its own to be declared scapegoat."

With word from White House sources that Cheney was opposed to the sacking of his old mentor Rumsfeld and even more resistant to the naming of Bush family loyalist Robert Gates to take his place, it is clear that Cheney doesnot want to be placed in a position of exposure. However, even Cheney neo-con allies like Richard Perle and Ken Adelman, sensing that Cheney is the designated scapegoat, have bellowed about the Iraq war being a mistake and are now distancing themselves from the Cheney group, once the most powerful operating cell within the Bush administration.
Dumping Cheney would serve the GOP well. Sitting vice presidents have won the only two open races since Reagan came to power -- Bush in 1988 and Gore in 2000.* A sitting vice president running for the top office against someone who was not already president hasn't lost since 1968, when Humphrey lost to Nixon (but Nixon had been a vice president for eight years already). Nixon in 1960 was the last vice president to lose a presidential race against somebody who hadn't already been president or vice president. That's a long time ago.
The Republicans should take advantage of that reality and put someone in there who could be their candidate next time (and if you're Bush, at least it lets you pick the candidate, which might not otherwise happen).

* Yes, I know he didn't get to take office. But Gore won in every way except in the Supreme Court's tally.

It's been a long time comin' but now it's here
Yeah, now it's here

Originally Posted By: el_jefe
Bush at 31% according to Newsweek. If the Republicans are smart, they'll sack Bush and Cheney right now. Two more years of these guys, and buh-bye Republican Party.

Dems won popular vote in Senate races 55%-42%.

I love the map. What vote pattern does it represent? I can't figure it out.
"What is she, the governor of Guam?"
Originally Posted By: PhillyCalling
Rumors about Cheney continue, looks like he is next. Then we take this party up a notch! Stoli shots for everyone....

November 10/11/12, 2006 -- According to Washington insiders, there are moves afoot to dump Vice President Dick Cheney and replace him with either John McCain or Rudolph Giuliani prior to the 2008 presidential election. Whoever succeeds Cheney will be able to campaign for the presidency with the perks that come with being an incumbent Vice President.

Didn't you post this same article in 2002, 03, 04 and twice in 05?
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