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Originally Posted By: Stud
I voted Democrat, which may surprise the Fag Five. Student loan payments make people do crazy shit.

That Murtha guy is nuts, though. Everyone from Johnstown is.

Whatever you do don't consolidate your loans. I'm on a plan that runs till 2011. It's a car payment every friggin' month. Suffer the pain now and pay as much as you can now. You won't regret it 15 years from now.
Originally Posted By: schmately
Originally Posted By: Hazy
I crossed party lines and I haven't been able to sleep for 2 days. I haven't eaten. And good lord, I haven't had any alcohol since before I did the 4 shots of 'buca before heading to the polls at 7AM on Tuesday morning.


Hey Schmate, remember that cult in Attleboro a few years back that starved a kid to death? All the women dressed like Santorum's daughter. Kinda freaky to me.
Originally Posted By: newscott
Originally Posted By: schmately
Originally Posted By: Hazy
I crossed party lines and I haven't been able to sleep for 2 days. I haven't eaten. And good lord, I haven't had any alcohol since before I did the 4 shots of 'buca before heading to the polls at 7AM on Tuesday morning.


Hey Schmate, remember that cult in Attleboro a few years back that starved a kid to death? All the women dressed like Santorum's daughter. Kinda freaky to me.

The one where they found the kid in ME and all the guys looked like Hasidic rejects?

PC, are you sure some of the kids are still in school? The crying kid is holding a similarly dressed "doll" or maybe... nevermind.

"I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion."

Originally Posted By: schmately
Originally Posted By: newscott
Originally Posted By: schmately
[quote=Hazy]I crossed party lines and I haven't been able to sleep for 2 days. I haven't eaten. And good lord, I haven't had any alcohol since before I did the 4 shots of 'buca before heading to the polls at 7AM on Tuesday morning.


Hey Schmate, remember that cult in Attleboro a few years back that starved a kid to death? All the women dressed like Santorum's daughter. Kinda freaky to me.

The one where they found the kid in ME and all the guys looked like Hasidic rejects?

PC, are you sure some of the kids are still in school? The crying kid is holding a similarly dressed "doll" or maybe... nevermind. [/quote]

Wait a minute, that's defs the same girl in the Jesus Camp trailer.
Originally Posted By: schmately
Originally Posted By: Hazy
I crossed party lines and I haven't been able to sleep for 2 days. I haven't eaten. And good lord, I haven't had any alcohol since before I did the 4 shots of 'buca before heading to the polls at 7AM on Tuesday morning.


Yup...that is the look of someone who has to move back to Pittsburgh. Thanks, that makes me feel better. Oh and all of the above in the original post is complete bullshit. I loved casting a vote for a dude who won't do shit and will not be re-elected in 6 years, kind of like Arlen Specter in around 30. BTW...I think aliens abducted the Republican Party I joined.
Originally Posted By: EasilyFound
Originally Posted By: Kelly
5. Why does the doll's dress match the child's? Home-made doll

It is one of those American Girl dolls; Kit as I am told by my wife. And the company sells clothes for kids that match the doll. Very insidious.
You are correct, sir. My daughter has Kit and the "Bitty twins" She thinks the matching clothes for her are stupid. Thank God.
? O. Z. Acosta
The netroots movement does deserve a lot of credit for many local candidates, and Howard Dean did tap into that current before the those outside that movement were aware of it. But how much influence does the netroots movement have on state-wide and national elections? Lamont lost state-wide, and Dean got momentum with netroots, but his campaign fizzled.

Nonetheless, Schumer deserves much credit for his effort. From what I've read, he personally recruited Webb, Casey, Sharrod Brown, and McCaskill. Perhaps the Democrat[s] would have won those raises with other candidates, I don't know. Plus, Schumer helped to orchestrate a tough campaign. Seems to me Schumer did a fantastic job.

The netroots movement does intrigue me and I want to learn more about it, because I'm woefully ignorant.

"What is she, the governor of Guam?"
No - Schumer initially opposed Webb and Casey's nominations.

Netroots ensures a bigger tent and resists the calcification inherent in entrenched party bureaucracies which may value loyalty over "electability."

It is far too early to judge the effectiveness of the netroots movement, especially in relation to a few notable losses.

Woke up this morning MY house was cold

Another day we thought would never come ... Ayatollah Ali Khamenei along with Yigbei, Ernei, turfei and Bushei agree on something:
"Iran's most powerful leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Friday called U.S. President George W. Bush's defeat in the congressional elections an "obvious victory" for the Iranian nation.

"This issue (the elections) is not a purely domestic issue for America, but it is the defeat of Bush's hawkish policies in the world," Khamenei said in remarks reported by Iran's student news agency ISNA on Friday.
Meanwhile, the always-politically-sharp Bush shows he has really heard the American people speak by saying he wants to confirm Bolton, and retroactively approve the eavesdropping program, during the last session of the lame-duck Congress. Genius. If he didn't already think "bipartisanship" meant "getting his ass handed to him" next year, this should ensure it.
You do have to admire Bush's stones in nominating Bolton again. The American people went Lorena Bobbit on the president and he doesn't just stand there moaning. He stitches it back on and keeps trying to fuck us. Any other man would slink away.

It's been a long time comin' but now it's here
Yeah, now it's here

Originally Posted By: Acosta
Originally Posted By: EasilyFound
Originally Posted By: Kelly
5. Why does the doll's dress match the child's? Home-made doll

It is one of those American Girl dolls; Kit as I am told by my wife. And the company sells clothes for kids that match the doll. Very insidious.
You are correct, sir. My daughter has Kit and the "Bitty twins" She thinks the matching clothes for her are stupid. Thank God.

That is all kinds of creepy. Hey, don't the American Girls support abortion?
Originally Posted By: tattooDad
You do have to admire Bush's stones in nominating Bolton again. The American people went Lorena Bobbit on the president and he doesn't just stand there moaning. He stitches it back on and keeps trying to fuck us. Any other man would slink away.

Bolton's been dead for awhile, well before the election. I don't think stones have anything to do with it, it's more like stupidity.

"I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion."

Haven't you people ever seen American Girl dolls? they have matching clothing for the kids - it is VERY expensive. Thankfully my kids are not in to dolls. I believe the Santorum family is homeschooled. They have a cyber school program in Western PA that some constituents raised a stupid stink over the fact that his kids live in Virginia most of the time. (HELLO that is where you need to live if Daddy is a Congressman!)
Yes she should pray to God for more strength. But at least he wasn't crying like a little girl.

And Santorum got my vote. I hated Casey's ads - basically they said I am not Rick Santorum so vote for me. I may not like Santorum 100%, but Casey seems to be a doormat.
Originally Posted By: Mars
They have a cyber school program in Western PA that some constituents raised a stupid stink over the fact that his kids live in Virginia most of the time. (HELLO that is where you need to live if Daddy is a Congressman!)

No, they raised a stupid stink because Santorum obfuscated and lied about his true residence. Not that it matters now.
Originally Posted By: newscott
That is all kinds of creepy. Hey, don't the American Girls support abortion?

Doubt it. Since everybody I know of who's into those dolls is also homeschooled & Religious Right.... except Acosta.
Sacktorem's not so little girl dresses just like the women in the Mormon polygamist cults.
SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
Originally Posted By: joedoakes
No - Schumer initially opposed Webb and Casey's nominations.

Netroots ensures a bigger tent and resists the calcification inherent in entrenched party bureaucracies which may value loyalty over "electability."

It is far too early to judge the effectiveness of the netroots movement, especially in relation to a few notable losses.

I stand corrected on Webb and Casey. I thought for sure I had heard or read the opposite somewhere, but I guess I didn't.

I did not mean to dismiss the netroots movement or to say that it has peaked and cannot grow. But it has been a powerful force to organize a segment of enthusiastic supporters.

"What is she, the governor of Guam?"
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