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We meaning, the Springsteen Community, owe a bit of debt to Toby Scott.  He's an approachable  guy and has helped out confirming or dispelling fact or fiction when it comes to questions on Brucebase.

This was a really nice interview and confirms what I said above... a really good guy. 


The SPL Rocks!

Prego che tu stia danzando con San Pietro alle porte perlacee del cielo

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Really fabulous interview.  Gives great insight as to how the recordings and mixes have changed over the years.  I always hated the "big boom drum" mix on the 'Live 75-85' mixes.  Interesting how those recordings were kind of a function of the equipment that was available / used in the production studio... and also...  the 'big boom drum' was... kind of the sound of the early/mid 80's.

I wonder how that live album would be mixed today?

Keep stuff like this coming ... love to hear it.

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