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It was requested to see how many members like/don't like their site to look like an AOL chatroom.

Before 20 people post "just set your preferences so you can't see it", you are forgetting something...

The problem is.... you can only lose that section if you are logged in & have your preferences set.

Most folks I know only log in if they are going to post something. So for the dozens of SPLers who are just checking in daily or the hundreds perusing SPL for the news on uber releases, a quarter of the page is taken up by what can most accurately be described as Kelly's personal masturbatorium.

A fatwa has been issued.

SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
I don't like it when the shout box is there on the screen and unused. Yes I post stupid trivial crap in the shoutbox. Some people will not like what others post no matter where they post it.
Is that worse than seeing the same useless stuff for 2 days? I often delete my shouts because I don't like to leave them up there.
Keep in mind there really isn't much going on the the Bruce Springsteen world as of late. Hopefully, someday soon there will be some relevant news beyond the uber releases. Perhaps then it would be more functional for setlist discussions, or ticket drop information or ??
Believe me I have a lot more boring crap going on that I don't share. I don't put everything out on the interweb for goodness sakes. smile
Get rid of it
It was a nice try but you knew it wouldn't work here
I hated IM on AOL when I was on there, so this is no different

Im always logged on so I don't have kenrico's problem or others at work.
I have the left/ right features turned off since they are annoying
plus i am still on the white screen, which i've gotten used too, but it's not spl

Kill it, immediately.

The reason Shitbox exists is because this version of UBB.threads features the equally insidious Portal Page, which lays out as a blog platform. Shoutboxes are typical add-ons to blogs, giving users the real time option to chat, beyond reading blog posts and comments, or actually commenting.

Online social networking has exploded into the mainstream, yet message board programmers and blog programmers still fail to find the nice intersection and happy medium between these two platforms. So, they give us shit box as some cheap virtual sub-message board in itself.

SPL is a message board. It is not a blog. I hate being by default sent to Portal Page when I log on, and I hate the fucking posts on Portal Page, drawn from General. Look there right now and you have that idiot Alpine pimping some dumbcrap symposia. Or that dupe uber with the Paris crap. By the way, where is the Holy Paris DVD? C'mon Steve! Get Digitox off the crapper and crack that whip. Is Beautiful Reward really out of sync on Verona? Shameful.

Bottom line, this is SPL and we are an established community of posters, especially here in off-topic. The regulars here number in the dozens, not the thousands. Shitbox is good for a site that draws hundreds or thousands of strangers or acquaintances, who can chat in real time. THAT'S NOT US. If we have to endure that crappiest of public stages that is shitbox, then why not just get rid of the PM system. Mars and Kelly's "plays" are for PM's, period. They can sip and gossip all they want, THERE.

No disrespect and all appreciation to CJ, who upgraded us and gave us the latest toys, but this latest version of UBB.threads with the Portal Page blog and the Shitbox mosquito-catcher may favor the masses, but it sucks for the off-topic regulars.

I know Portal Page will stay, but please, destroy shitbox, and keep this as a message board only.

Props to Kennerico last night for going to war. How is a washing machine different from Mars? Priceless.
It's clutter. There's so much distracting stuff on the new board, it was nice when there weren't so many little bits of type all over the place, some links, some not, and you could just concentrate on reading someone's post. There are just too many words all over the place, I'm for anything that makes the overall look less cluttered and crowded.
Originally Posted By: bgboss
Please please please don't get rid of it.
I wanna hear more about Mars' 40 year old friend getting a great fuck from a 24 year old.
I wanna know more about Kelly's masturbation technique.

It's that or you'll have to see this 51 year old making obnoxious flirty flirty in public.

Wow, if I recall correctly I think I deleted that shout quickly.
Originally Posted By: Karen
Get rid of it
It was a nice try but you knew it wouldn't work here
I hated IM on AOL when I was on there, so this is no different

Im always logged on so I don't have kenrico's problem or others at work.
I have the left/ right features turned off since they are annoying
plus i am still on the white screen, which i've gotten used too, but it's not spl

I'm also on the white screen and love it. It is so much easier on the eyes. I hope this option is not taken away from us.
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