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I know that many people frown upon the discussion about different masterings, especially about Steve Hoffman, whose board attracts a lot of criticism.

However, I would be curious to listen to his suggested mastering in the case of the BTR-album.

I have owned BTR on vinyl and in four different CD masters/remasters - but I have never heard the mastering Hoffman is raving about because of the clearness of Bruce's voice. People say it is not matched by the 2015 Remaster.

Does anybody around here own a physical or digital copy of Mastering #2?

Apparently Mastering #2 and Mastering #3 are a bit difficult to distinguish... Mastering #2 was printed by the USA Digital Audio Disc Corp. While Mastering #3 can be easily found (f.e. in the cheap Album Collection box), copies of Mastering #2 nowadays are sold at high prices to collectors.

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I have a lot of digital copies,  S.H. makes it hard cuz he lists the disc #s.  So you only know what he references if you have the disc or vinyl or scans there of.  He should list the year and other reference #s, such as:  1999 Columbia PC 33795 or 1995 Sony SRCS 7907.  Just the way he writes this make it appear a bit snobbish to me.  As only a select few can understand him.  I'd love to compare them to see if I agree but I'm not going to listen to the fifteen copies I have to try and figure out which he's talking about.  Since its release, this has always been my go to album if I want to listen to it: 03-2015 Born To Run (Remstr 180G Vinyl) (Col. PC33795) 24-96 LP.

That being said, I listen to the live shows and boots much, much more than albums.


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


haha A scathing review by John Oates, who apparently has had it with the SH Forum's threads on Bruce Springsteen, which are sometimes focused on technical issues, rather than the music. You have been warned!

Personally, I spent two hours reading endless threads about mastering of "Born to Run" 1975-2015. I have little interest in what each remaster sounds like, or how they differ, because I know what I like and I like what I know. But I did learn some things that might help me on discogs, the site that collects as many issues and releases from anywhere in the universe, all entered by users, and sorted into a huge database. I will not put everybody to sleep describing the methods I use to sqeeze information out of it.


people would jump onstage and grab me by the head and scream, ‘tilly! bootlegs!'"

Thanks for the replies guys!
If anyone by chance notices his BTR CD has been manufactured in the US in the 80s by Digital Audio Disc Corp. (Mastering #2 as mentioned above) or has the Japanese 35DP-21 (Mastering #1) - digital files also appreciated - I'd still be happy about a PM.

In the meantime I shall enjoy the 1981 East Rutherford show... 

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