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Maybe because he wanted a Morello-solo? When David Fricke at the Rolling Stone magazine picked the best and most influential guitarists in rock Tom Morello was number 26. Nils Lofgren didn't make it into the 100 list.


Hey kid, you think that's oil? Man, that ain't oil that's blood

I think it was Morello's cover of GOTJ that first attracted Bruce and grabbed his attention.  The few new fans that I interact with love Tom's play on it.  I don't think it's a knock on Nils.  Bruce has recognized Nil's expertise for years both on and off stage.  I believe Tom Morello has given Bruce a pick me up, or new inspiration.  His guitar playing on GOTJ made it into a totally new arrangement.  It took an old song and made it new, which is what Bruce appears to be aiming for on this whole album.


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Originally Posted by Joad:

Maybe because he wanted a Morello-solo? When David Fricke at the Rolling Stone magazine picked the best and most influential guitarists in rock Tom Morello was number 26. Nils Lofgren didn't make it into the 100 list.

He might be even the number 1 most influential guitarist in the world but his solo on TGOTJ is devoid of taste and soul. Mostly a show-off of pointless overdriven effects that almost doesn't even sound as guitar-playing.

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