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Bruce appeared at the 18th annual Stand up for Heroes event in NYC on Nov 11, 2024.

Here's the setlist (all songs solo acoustic):
The Power Of Prayer
Land Of Hope And Dreams
Dancing In The Dark
Long Walk Home

The Power Of Prayer

Land Of Hope And Dreams

Dancing In The Dark

Long Walk Home


life is unpredictable
you can win or lose it all

Last edited by desa33
Original Post

Report from Stan Goldstein via FB SpringNuts:

Standup for Heroes
Monday, Nov. 11, 2024
Geffen Hall, New York City.

All Bruce acoustic, no Patti

Bruce joke: “Guy and his girl go to see the doctor. The doctor says, ‘Congratulations, she's pregnant!’ Guy gets a moment alone with the the doctor and, says, ‘Doc, that's impossible! I am religious about practicing safe sex, I always use protection, never had any accidents.’

Doctor says ‘Let me tell you a story. There's a hunter, the hunter carries a gun everywhere he goes. One day he gets up and decides to take his umbrella instead of his gun. On that particular day, a lion leaps out and stands right in front of him. By instinct, he raises the umbrella, bang! The lion rolls over dead.

Guy says to the doctor, ‘That’s impossible. Somebody other guy must must have shot the lion.’”

1. Power of Prayer

Played for only the fourth time. Twice at shows this year in Spain, and for the second time at this benefit.

Bruce joke:

"Wife is going to do a real nice thing for her husband on his birthday. I think I'm going to take him to a strip club. They go to the front door and the bouncer says, 'Dave, how you doing?' Honey, how does he remember your name? Oh, he's in my bowling league. Every Tuesday. They go in the club, sit down, waitress comes up drops a Budweiser in front of him and says, 'Do you want your usual Dave?' She says, 'Honey, how does that woman know what you like to drink? Oh, she's in the ladies auxiliary of the bowling league. We share the lanes right next to each other. A line of strippers comes out. A stripper comes down and sits on his lap. "Dave, do youwant your table dance?' Wife has had enough, she is outside, she is in the taxi. Dave is running his ass after her. He gets in the taxi, she is giving him everything in the book, she is holding nothing back. The taxi driver turns around and says 'Geez, that's some bitch you picked up tonight!'"

2. Land of Hope and Dreams

Bruce joke: "Bakery burns down. Business is toast."

3. Dancing in the Dark

Bruce had fun with the crowd on this, on "You sit around gettin' older" and "I need a love reaction."

Bruce joke: "Guy goes into the library. Says to the librarian, 'Where do you keep your books on paranoia?' (in a creep voice), "Right behind you."

4. Long Walk Home

"This is a small prayer for our country.""


life is unpredictable
you can win or lose it all

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