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After 70+ shows I really can't decide: Do I go to Gothenburg or not?

I suppose I could hear Trapped and Something in the Night and nothing else from Letter to You. Possibly Jungleland. What I definitely won't experience are pearls like I've already heard in Sweden:

Drive all Night
Lost in the Flood
Not even Racing in the Street despite soundcheck in Dublin
Atlantic City
Fade Away
Downbound Train
Youngstown into Murder Inc.

I love the ferry to Gothenburg, but if I didn't go, I'd be with my girlfriend - we have a long distance relationship. I've already turned in tickets for Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Gothenburg #1. I have GA Gothenburg #2 and Pit #3.

What am I going to do, I just don't know....? One day I think so, then again the other way around....

What do you think?

Thanks for your opinions

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I had Pit tickets for all 3 shows for my wife and I -- as it was on our "Bruce bucket list" .  I hoped to see the magic happen for 3 nights in Sweden, and see a bit of the country as I have never been there.

After 10 shows in the US, and the two Paris shows, we decided to sell our tickets for all 3 shows and stay here in NJ.  Our decision was driven by [1] Same Setlists and while we love the shows -- there was no "magic"; [2] High cost these days of air travel and hotels and food and ....; [3] We having a bunch more US shows in the fall in both Stadium and Arena settings; [4] Lots of other good things to do that week instead.

Two thoughts:

[1] I suspect there will be plenty of extra tickets for Got 2 and 3 -- pick up another for your girlfriend and go together (if she would be interested).

[2] I would pass on the shows (as I already did for myself) and hope the tour returns to EU in 2024 with something a bit different going on.

Seems no bad choices here -- just the choice between two good things!!


If you haven't seen a show on this tour, then go. It's been seven years since they toured, the band is tight and the music great. If you have seen a show, then skip it. You'll see one or two different songs at best. No chance of a Man at the Top, Incident, The Promise, or any of the others you've mentioned.

Playing Devils advocate... He's played a very extensive tour in 2023.  The Man and his mates are not getting any younger, Bruce will be 75 in 04.  It appears to be affecting his voice.  Patti was away most of this tour.  Will he do another so quickly without her?  I believe he will shake things up for the Stadium Leg as that is what the everyday fan expects and wants to hear.  So... if I was a betting man and considering all of the above factors.  I'd bet that he takes a break in least with the band.




The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Interesting question! Would not have thought that this receives its own topic, but I already had guessed that I am not alone with my ruminations about this.

I still hold Pit tickets for all three shows.

But I cannot imagine myself watching him comb back his hair while he holds his guitar feedback after the "Kitty's Back" guitar solo for three nights in five days.

If I cancel my flight, I will loose 500 € which will not be refunded. So I will still definitely go for one show. Wondering about weather first or third night. In the past this was a no-brainer since the latter shows mostly were "more loose". This time you cannot be so sure. And the first is on a saturday so letting go of nights #2 and #3 would allow me to save money and actually earn something to pay back money spent on our family trip to Barcelona late April.

All of this discussion just reaffirms for me how different things are this time round. I’ve been a fan since late eighties, first e-street show was 99 and seen some great ones since but this is the first time I’ve not bought tickets, and still haven’t seen, read or heard anything that makes me think I made a mistake :-(

Thank you guys for your input!

I'm still waiting for the moment, that a setlist is going to be totally loose, and Bruce is tired of the standard thing.

But since I've already seen the two Paris shows, I'm leaning more and more towards actually canceling the ferry and selling the tickets. Just two more standard setlists from him and I'm ready and book a few days vacation instead.

I've never asked for and needed advice for what is basically a ridiculous question. A new experience

thanks a lot

BTW: I'll lose only around 100€ for train rides....

@Kinsey posted:

Maybe you're misinterpreting the discussion, as you're definitely making a mistake not seeing the show once. It's buying tickets for multiple shows that is no longer a value proposition.

I'm with Kinsey on this one.  You have to go at least once.  Breaking a streak like you have would be bad luck. 


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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