And yet, just three days after the election, one hears that under a plan to be presented to the UN Security Council next month, the Iraqi Government would assume authority from coalition troops by the end of next year.
Baghdad is saying that it will use the Democrat victory to push President Bush for concessions. Confidants of Nouri al-Maliki, said that they hoped defeat would make monkey-boy more open to ideas that he had previously rejected. They are claiming that Rumsfeld?s departure provides an opportunity to set a timetable for withdrawing all foreign forces. Ha!
The way I read it, the plan being drawn up in Baghdad, with Washington?s approval, seeks a one-year extension of the UN mandate for foreign forces in Iraq. But it also states that by December 2007, security in the country?s 18 provinces, apart from the most violent, be handed over to the Iraqi Army and police. US and British troops would play a support role.
Until now, Bushco has rejected setting out a timetable for a withdrawal of forces. But yesterday British military officials suggested that it could be completed in the next year and a half.
Yeah, that Murtha is a crazy SOB.
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