21 December 2013
Favourite singer ever?
I don't know this fellow but he has excellent taste in his live performances. I can vouch for that as I was at the same show with the lovely Miss Beth.
This is a difficult one, but I'm going to go for Stevie Nicks. She's such an intriguing artist in every way.
Favourite band?
I love the early 1980s New Romantic stuff. ABC was one of my favourites for lots of reasons -- the music, the mystique and the production values; the songs still endure today.
Best concert/gig you've ever seen?
Bruce Springsteen and The E-Street band at The Point about seven years ago. In terms of production values, the acoustics, the sense of audience inclusion and simply being at a show that infuses such high energy, Bruce is the main man.
Favourite writer?
Stephen King. I love the tapestry of his storytelling and everything he writes makes for a page-turning read.
Last book you read and loved?
The Twelve by Justin Cronin. It's the first in a trilogy where a US army virus escapes and infects almost everyone with vampire-like symptoms and basically causes the destruction of civilisation. It's much better than it sounds and exceptionally creepy. Unfortunately, the sequel was very poor.
Favourite film?
Anger Management. Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler are extremely good together. It's one of those movies that makes me laugh, every time.
Last film you saw and loved?
Captain Phillips -- and it was one of the best films I've ever seen. It got better with every passing minute. I've been thinking about it ever since.
Last film you saw and hated?
The Avengers. I didn't know what it was about going in to the cinema, but I assumed it was something to do with the BBC series, which was a British secret agent fantasy. I didn't realise it was going to be about cartoon superheroes -- what a let-down.
Favourite TV show?
Dallas. I loved it in the 1980s and thought the recent revival was brilliant. Such a shame that JR will obviously no longer feature, but I really hope they make a new series.
Favourite city/country?
Dallas and Fort Worth in Texas. I had cause to visit there many times a few years ago and just loved it. Perhaps I should have been an oil baron?
Favourite restaurant?
Yo Sushi. I just can't get enough of it and it never makes me feel guilty when I overindulge.
DECLAN CASHIN Irish Independent