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After watching this dope opera for a week now with no comment, I feel many important points have been lost among the dick swinging & posturing on all sides of this issue.

As a student of human nature, you have ALL not failed to disappoint... it's like watching monkeys instinctively and impulsively responding to baited stimuli.

There is right & wrong on all sides, yet there is a more sinister side at work here which is being neglected. This sinister side is working hard to destroy SPL as it has stood for at least 6+ years, and while I will not name names or point in any particular direction, I ask you all to look at history & to ask yourself "who benefits from the demise of SPL" ?

I will give you no answers, because each will come to his/her own conclusion... but keep asking yourself..."who is benefitting from all this strife ?" and maybe more importantly, who is laughing at all of you right now?

I'm not going to rehash what has already been stated, but will put a few thoughts about each "reason" for the policy/turmoil into perspective... or at least MY perspective.

Each category will have it's own post... I decided to make it easy for the rocket surgeons among you.

SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Troublemakers You bad, bad boys... couldn't leave a newbie alone, couldn't leave a stupid post uncommented on.

Notice I said YOU... having been left off that list hurt me deeply... it's as if my years of doing the Lord's work was all done in vain.

Although SPL was a rough place back when I joined, it really gained vitriol during the invasion of the chest pounding, Bruce hating Bushfags. The political threads set a new tone around SPL and resulted in a by-product called the "Fab 5" by it's protagonist. This monster was created by the baiting of cretins, who, once their hero's scam began playing out badly, slunk away back into the sewers like the vermin we always knew they were.
What we were left with was a "weapon of mass destruction"... a lynch mob left high & dry with a noose and righteous indignation and nobody to vent it on.

And here I take issue with some of the hurt feelings amongst my brothers... we were overly rough on a few folks who didn't deserve it... and the "douchebag"/"asshole" responses were becoming tiresome and lame... almost as bad as the Spiniot's 6 year "I fuck Chance's Mom" riff... let's be man enough to admit that we went over the top sometimes and be done with this whole dope opera.

But I will stand up WITH you in regards to the many who deserved the treatment they received here... especially those who now seek to usurp our niche with their smirking mediocre retorts... you know, the ones who bitched the most about negativity, yet strike back negatively now that hands are tied. You know, the ones with the "brilliant" retorts that are sure to follow below ?

And we are all witness to the suckiness of the setlist threads now the SPL 7 have left them in the hands of the wannabes.

Odd note... the "troublemakers", aka "those who need to grow up", have condemned the banning of a member who they can't fucking stand whatsoever and who gives them nothing but grief... yet the "complainers", aka "reasonable adults", want members banned just because they don't like their posts.

So anyways, by authoritarian account, the Fab 5, along with their most hated protagonist, morphed into the SPL 7... a group generating many complaints from...
SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
Pillars "The pillars who financially backed SPL".

Forefathers or absentee tour-istas ?

The best way to talk about this bunch is an analogy which will hit close to the heart of a certain Mod.

If you look at SPL as a town on the Shore, you'll see the inevitable rush and overcrowding of tour-istas every Summer (read "tour").
However, the past two Summers (read "tours"), the beach has been pretty much abandoned by the Summer crowds... rightfully or wrongfully, they didn't reserve their usual spots... but this was more due to the quality of the water (read "Bruce") than the "freeloaders" who had taken up residence on the Shore (read "SPL 7").
Prime example... where was the outrage at the brutal responses when the Euros gushed all over that Hillwack tour last year ? The tour-istas weren't around to care.... the "water" wasn't "right" that year.

Now the "water" is in a condition which is drawing the tour-istas back to the Shore... only one problem... the "freeloaders" are not only firmly entrenched, they've multiplied.

So what do the tour-istas do ?
Threaten the town council by withholding financial backing. Unfortunately, the "freeloaders" can pay the tab for the city services & upkeep with NO CONDITIONS WHATSOEVER... thus leaving the town council looking the fools.

MOST IMPORTANT POINT OF THIS WHOLE SCREED While basking in the riches of a bloated community at present, the "town council" might want to look forward past next year's tour.
How many tour-istas will contribute anything here, financially or postwise ?
How many involved in the el jefe $2,000 drive have the Mods offended or run off, never to contribute again ?

Hope you all will enjoy the beach being cleaned up for a year... but I wonder if CJ will think it was worth it once the 2008 funding drive comes around.
SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
Newbies That every newbie was being driven off is news to me.

Firstly, who's a newbie at this late date ? Bruce has been over for decades.

Secondly, I never paid much attention to newbie posts. If somebody asked about GA procedures when 10 like threads were right in front of their faces, I ignored it. Many post here cause my mind to go blank as I read them, they are so pedestrian... I try not to respond to any of them, hoping they just go to BTX or GL where they will fit in better.

I must say, in 9 out of 10 times... when I nut somebody, they probably deserve it... in fact, many times it was encouraged by SPL Mods. But in that 10th time, when I was a little rough in a comment, and a Mod sent me a PM explaining who that person was & that I should "lighten up" on them, I did so.... to the point of ignoring that newbies future posts, even if they address me directly.

But when "promising newbie" applies to some asswipe who has clearly crossed over from another board to antagonize "long time members", then it's on.

As the case with Brucefan27/DisplayName... while articulate and precise in language skills, all that book learnin' didn't prepare him for any street fight where his arrogance and entitlement were called into question. Attacking CarolJude with only his 3rd post alone is due cause for an asskicking. Add in the fact he registered under different screen names two more times within a week, and the lame "Brucefan27 works in the same building as me and is sensitive, he challenged me to join & see how I would do here" bullshit he tried to pull as DisplayName, and he was dead meat... and rightfully so.
And that whole "narcing out of his friend who got him into the show in the first place" story in his pointless inital post, which should be cause for permanent banishment.

I'm more concerned with...
SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.

Mods who have posted less than a dozen times in General or Off-Topic suddenly being made Moderator of those forums.

Now, I won't rehash what Mods have done wrongly or rightly, but what a fucking doozy that mistake was... as is evident in the Off-Topic forum posts by said Mod.

Like I said before, when somebody changes a post from "in the future, the taper may not want to sing along with the songs so it can be heard on the tape" to "I'm an idiot (asshole) and full of shit", then that is probably not someone you want Moderating a forum. While it's okay (I guess) to protect the divas who make up most of the taping crew, it's the wrong person to turn loose on the entire board. I've got no gripe personally, I'm just letting folks know what they are in for if they never ventured South. I know to stay away from posting on the bottom boards, but that also now includes staying away from helping anybody there.

KEEPER... special note... when you go from being in the Top Ten posters to "Bruce, who?" within a few years, PLEASE don't imply that it was the tone of the board when in actuality, you switched jobs and no longer spent half your life bored in airports. Thanks.

PETE... "The board existed before you came and will do just fine if you leave"... that applies to you too, bud. The bloom has been off your flower since it was revealed that you were holding back the last hour of the Passaic show. Not in my eyes, because I know how that "keep this to yourself" thing goes... but since somebody talked too loosely out on the board, your shiny armour now retains a permanent tarnish.
While responsible for the best versions of Bruce video any of us could ever hope to possess (even those of us who have been collecting 30+ years), in the world of immediate gratification that is the current internet, your ship has long since sailed.
Being King 5 years ago don't mean shit today, sad to say.

SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
The Lawsuit The lawsuit, or threat thereof, should be explained openly and to the board as a whole.

What kind of dipshit would sue a message board over posts ?
And why would you "take care of it" without any explanation ?

I don't expect you to name names... I have my own ideas about what kind of shyster would threaten such a thing... perhaps one who can't argue his way out of a paper bag on a message board (no, not the Spiniot... he'd have to explain his 500 "I'm fucking Chance's Mom" posts).... or maybe a litigating piece of shit who fits the word "nigger" perfectly, despite their current Aryanation.
I don't even want to think that a member here could be that much of a punkass dipshit.

Since no explanation of what sort of conduct would warrant the threat of a lawsuit has been given, then no posting about any such lawsuit should be held over anyone's head.

BTW, I have requested for YEARS that the threads on SPL be visable ONLY if you log in. To leave it open to any & all who care to view it is reckless and foolish... especially if asswipes are threatening lawsuits.

And while perusing the neutered BTX this week, I saw a post which should scare the bejeebas out of anybody who "belongs" at SPL... a member complaining that their child reads BTX along with them and people should watch their language...

This isn't MySpace, it's not a church... the average age here is well over 35, so we shouldn't have to tiptoe around simpleton breeders just because the only interaction the kids even have with Mommy is if they either interrupt, or get involved with, Mommy's obsession with a washed up rock star's message board.


It's not like anybody here spilled hot coffee on your lap or lost your fucking suit pants at the cleaners.

You're not clever, you show yourself to be a spineless cunt.

(No sexual connotation implied, applies X2 to males, X100 if they are a licensed attorney)

SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.

So that's my week's worth of thoughts in a thread... I'm sure I forgot many more & will be editing accordingly... or not.

To those of you who are fighting the good fight, I'd like to say keep on following your convictions... to turn this place into Bruce E. Cheese when there are already two other Bruce E. Cheese sites is a travesty, but apparently the "Owner" wants it that way. Perhaps you should ask for a refund of your "el jefe day" donations and walk the fuck away since you are no longer welcome here.... at least in the "Bruce" forum.

When SPL turns into a ghost town once the tour is over & CJ asks for funds November 2008, you can be the "demanding pillars"... until the next tour, of course... then it will once again have to be cleaned, washed & purged so the pathetic losers who validate their lives with spawn pimping Pit appearances can bask in the limelight once again.... fuck, we'll be seeing proud posts about grandchildren with pit signs by then.

I'll be selling my unworn limited edition SPL polo shirts & vintage t-shirts & hats on Ebay in the future, so promising newbies, keep watch. You too can pretend you were here when the shirts not only said "when they said sit down I stood up", but this site actually fucking meant it.

SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
My Uncle Remus loved to tell the story 'bout the vermin that hid down in the sewer... he use to say "ebery time youse shoot in dem der vermin nest, youse nos whens youse dun kilt one cause youse kin hear dem bastads start ta squeekin'"

Hehehehehehe... I loves that story...

SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
Originally Posted By: Gob
Originally Posted By: kenrico
I ask you all to look at history & to ask yourself "who benefits from the demise of SPL" ?

Is it Whitey?
The Man?

Help me out here.

He's refering to The Illuminati I think Gob. You know ....the real hand behind the throne as it were. They can really have their way at SPL now. It will be more Patti friendly is the real fear these guys have.


Originally Posted By: buzzy
CJ said:
1. Don't hijack threads in the general forum or tech forums.
2. Don't attack others. Humor is fine, but not when it?s merely mean-spirited.
It's that simple.

Yes it is. It's nok like you need a higher education to understand 2 simple rules. Ant there's only 2 so it's not like they're easy to forget. And yet these 2 simple lines have caused an outroar like nothing else in the SPL history. If CJ had known that he would probably not have had the board up again after the last crash.

Remember why Open All Night was created? Because EVERY single thread in General got hijacked and/or got smartass replies. Most of the people bitching about these rules were the same who were against OAN because they feared they couldn't have their "fun" anymore.

Imagine an SPL where there was no need for OAN? To some that's a nightmare, to others it would be a pretty decent place.
This quote from Kenrico is very enlightening...

"Although SPL was a rough place back when I joined, it really gained vitriol during the invasion of the chest pounding, Bruce hating Bushfags. The political threads set a new tone around SPL and resulted in a by-product called the "Fab 5" by it's protagonist. This monster was created by the baiting of cretins, who, once their hero's scam began playing out badly, slunk away back into the sewers like the vermin we always knew they were.
What we were left with was a "weapon of mass destruction"... a lynch mob left high & dry with a noose and righteous indignation and nobody to vent it on."

See, it's not THEIR fault for being caustic towards people, it's because they were challenged on their ideaology, and when the political posts died down, they had no one else to vent their indignation on. And a cursory check of those posts will find the conservatives were in the small minority and constantly piled upon by the lefties. Never accountable. So typical.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests - we did.

But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Turf - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America
SPL - born Feb 29, 1999 - died Jan 7, 2008... May it Rest in Pieces.
conservatives were in the small minority and constantly piled upon by the lefties
Oh my God. Stop it! You gave as good as you got. You started leftie bating threads all over the place. You enjoyed it as much as I or any of the political gang, on either side. Ya ding-dang fucktard. And BTW, that's Kenrico's opinion. Stop with the "they" crap.
? O. Z. Acosta
Originally Posted By: Acosta
conservatives were in the small minority and constantly piled upon by the lefties
Oh my God. Stop it! You gave as good as you got. You started leftie bating threads all over the place. You enjoyed it as much as I or any of the political gang, on either side. Ya ding-dang fucktard. And BTW, that's Kenrico's opinion. Stop with the "they" crap.

I did enjoy it, and still do. But to hold that up as a spillover reason for then slamming newbies because "we had to have a release" is, well, Kenricoish.
Originally Posted By: kenrico
Turf always did have a problem with facts...

Fab 5


Ernie Logman
the Spiniot, Wooly, Mars, King (they took turns, so I listed them as 1)

dont forget all the pinko euros that sided with all of the leftinistas, plus TD, plus others that I probably don't want to remember.

Boy, I guess the righties made an impact. Kenrico lost his self control and Acosta "suffered" because of me and Spinny!! My day is made!!
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