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Hello There,

We need your help to fund the SPL for 2024. Please use the PayPal button at the top right of the page to help us fund the SPL for another year and another tour.

It costs about $75 per month to host the SPL and especially this message board. We have no other source of income except for our one-a-year donation drive.

If you can spare a few dollars, please send them our way. PM me if you'd rather do Venmo or Zelle.

Thank you all,


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@CJ posted:

We are 100% funded! Thank you all!



Glad SPL is fully funded for another year.  Some interesting statistics (at least interesting to me):

[1] As Danny pointed out, there are 6450 "members" here at SPL with logins.

[2] Looking back 3 months from 9/2/2023 to 12/2/2023 only 189 members have visited SPL while logged in (2.9%), and looking back 1 month from 11/2/23 to 12/2/2023 only 138 members have at least 1 visit.  So the "core" of the current SPL appears to be around 140 - 190 members.  Most visitors joined the current list in the 2006-07 timeframe (after the server reboot :-) as some of us have been here since the 1999 tour and perhaps earlier.

[3] Since SPL was reopened to new members back in Feb 2023 -- 512 new "members" have been vetted and given login credentials.  In the last 3 month time window from 9/2/2023 to 12/2/2023 -- only 21 of these new members have visited the SPL -- and made a total of 5 posts on the boards -- three of these in the ticket forums.

[4] I am curious how many SPL members actually contributed towards the $900 raised to fund 2024, but in looking at the above I am guessing it is a very small fraction of the "membership".

No judgement -- just numbers.


Here are some additional facts:

Bruce and his fan base are getting older.  Many are no longer with us.

Younger folks are not as into Bruce as past generations.

When he's not touring members are not around as frequently.

The only way our membership would go up significantly is if BTX, did close.

You've been riding the same nag for months now and it appears you're beating a dead horse. 


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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