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SPL Uber Visual Historical Artifacts. Pre-Greetings Manuscripts Vol. 6:  Steel Mill’s “Change It”

Known by several names (Changing Children, et al) and not formally titled on this copy, this Steel Mill era composition is a draft of a song documented to have been played live, and whose in-performance lyrics can be found transcribed on (Bruce Springsteen Lyrics: CHANGE IT [Live 18 Jan 1971 version])

This version shows a song thematically and structurally fleshed out, but with some lyric changes still in progress (apart from the live performance variations of tense) and features annotated chord progressions.  A young ‘hipsters of an era’ Steel Mill obviously playing to their core audience as shown by some of the more controversial lyrics.  BruceBase confirms 4 live performances and speculates on the probability of more.

Additional note:  Scribbled at the top of the first page is “Save Me”, crossed out along with a few lines of lyrics. It appears to be the start of a different song, but to paraphrase a tag line from an old US radio show read: “Who knows what … lurks in the hearts of men…?” Think Bruce even remembers?

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