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@FrankM posted:

You can see, just as with "Live in NYC," the guy used multiple nights for individual songs, I guess since many uploads are single camera, to get the multi-cam effect. Not really a defect, you can see Bobby Jean, for  one, he's wearing different shirts, in some shots has a vest, others not.

I think that in an effort to keep up with Taylor Swift he started doing some mid-concert clothing changes :-) - so the source might be the same show.  I think later on Patti made him stop -- as with the shirt ripping thing.

I don't participate much in the Facebook Bruce sites since they are mostly wacky Kool Aide drinkers but I did post that Youtube link on one and it got 286 likes and reactions. They really like it. Thanks for the upload, don't know what I will do with it. I watched some of the video. Good for someone who wants to get a taste of the tour without traveling.

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