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1981-06-01 London, GB by Cree001 alt trans-Wembley Arena, London, GB aud

This tape uploaded by Cree some time ago sounds a lot better than the original River Flood version so if you don't have this, I recommend DLing it as it will only be available for a few days:

1981-06-01 London, GB by Cree001 alt trans-Wembley Arena, London, GB aud

1981-06-01 London, GB by Cree001 alt trans-Wembley Arena, London, GB aud


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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@DenverBrian posted:

Oats, you are an absolute gem.  I do have to wonder how many Gigs of Springsteen music you have.

I'm speaking for myself but I do know a few others who would answer in the same fashion...  NEVER ENOUGH!!!


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Terabytes?  Just having to file Terebytes  of data would be  bloody luxury. We kept our Petabyte hard drive in a shoe box in a hole in t'road under a tarpaulin. If we didn't make MD5s and Info files someone from Greasy Lake would come over and corrupt them.


Blessed Day

Quick, someone reference another great show for Oats to post. 

Actually, he does a better job than Bruce's camp.  Maybe that could be the 2nd Friday of each month.  We can call it "Oats' fixing the first Friday release with the special shows releases."

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