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Seen - Incident

(also Racing, didn't know before hand how much I needed to see it live. It absolutely blew me away, and emotionally. Took me a bit by surprise)

Not seen - Stolen Car




She said last night she read those letters...
And they made her feel one hundred years old...

I had to miss the European debut of Drive All Night at the Birmingham show in 1981 due to a friend’s serious car injury (fortunately he survived) and then had to wait another 27 years before I was able to experience it live in Gothenburg. Bruce being the tease he is, decided to soundcheck it the first night but made me sweat 24 hours before actually playing it the second night.

Also, a special mention for NYCS which was played in Rome for the first time ever in Europe in 2013. I was gutted to have missed it. I honestly believed he would never ever play it again in Europe but I died and made a brief tour to heaven when, low and behold, he goes and plays it again in Rome in 2016 at one of the best shows I have ever experienced.  

It is really strange the way that certain cities in Europe become aligned with particular songs e.g. Rome with NYCS and Gothenburg with Drive All Night.

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