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They are sitting in judgement on Ollie over at BTX.

Southern Trees etc.

The usual banal thread. Is BTX for under 16s only like GL?


I am more pissed that the Bradford equaliser and Brentford winner both   came in injury time. That's 4 points lost to Mando in a matter of seconds. Still top mind,


Blessed Day

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Originally Posted by essexboy:

They are sitting in judgement on Ollie over at BTX.

Southern Trees etc.

The usual banal thread. Is BTX for under 16s only like GL?


I am more pissed that the Bradford equaliser and Brentford winner both   came in injury time. That's 4 points lost to Mando in a matter of seconds. Still top mind,

Bored of the Olli subject matter, comes down to personal beliefs....I for one are looking forward to his Leeds show that I believe will be available for free on JL.


More important matters EB is how well West London football teams did yesterday,  Chelsea 2 points off the top and Brentford only 4 off LO. The only downside is a Chelsea trainee helped LO back to the top by scoring for MK Dons!


Originally Posted by Kinsey:

Maybe you missed it, but the oh so superior SPL community leadership has already sat in judgment on Olli and banned him. 

There's a resistance here. Personally I  feel more fleeced by Bruce Inc.

Bloody stadium shows for a start. It's all about the wonga.


Blessed Day

Last edited by essexboy
Originally Posted by Blimey:

....I for one are looking forward to his Leeds show that I believe will be available for free on JL.



Precisely, no-one has to buy the BD.

I was happy to send footage and delighted when it was included on Paris 2012 Night 2


Blessed Day

translation please:


although since Mando brought up the term I think there's pornography involved


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- have just one thing, just one thing in your whole life that you do that makes you proud of yourself, I don't think that's too much for anybody to ask...

Last edited by jj74
Originally Posted by jj74:

translation please:


although since Mando brought up the term I think there's pornography involved



Saunameister is what you become when banned from the SPL.


 The SPL management team gather daily in their sauna house to discuss the day’s business, Oats’s contribution to creative writing,  Kinsey’s drinking and ERN’s people skills among others.


Every hour, the saunameister, usually a banned or suspended SPL member serving his sentence, enters the sauna house to perform the following 3 x functions :-


    a. Pour water onto the sauna coals


b. Offer slices of fresh oranges and ice to all the mods in attendance


    c. Take a towel and swish it above his head to circulate the hot hair          that the mods are surrounded by.


On completion of these tasks, the saunameister is allowed to leave the sauna house but as a final punishment he must kneel towards the midnight sun and recite 10 times :-


I must not sell blurays/DVDs as this is considered a mortal sin ......


Last edited by Mando
Originally Posted by Mando:
Originally Posted by jj74:


I must not sell blurays/DVDs as this is considered a mortal sin ......


Yes, seems that is the crime in question. But how many people devote the time & energy to create the blu rays/DVD's that Olli does.


I don't have a problem buying them from him in Blu Ray,as I can see how much time he's put in to them.


other just download the DVD from Jungleland, dime etc and keep expecting Olli to keep on producing them for nothing.


Some say he's stolen their footage? I don't know about that.


He's a bit hot headed, and should just be quiet sometimes.


What's the alternative, waiting for Landau Inc to release the show footage? Great, so we get BITUSA from HRC, thanks but there were much better shows than that.



Olli is his own worst enemy.  His emotional IQ is zilch.  I tried to help him here and he ripped me a new one.  He burned his bridges.  So I just waved bye, bye!


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


To paraphrase Randy Newman...

He may be a hot head but he's our hot head.

BTX SPL GL would be a poorer place with out Ollie - Theere's not much other conversation here! 


I have taken on the Chance role on the Leyton Orient board and am considered a WUM!




Blessed Day

Originally Posted by essexboy:

To paraphrase Randy Newman...

He may be a hot head but he's our hot head.

BTX SPL GL would be a poorer place with out Ollie - Theere's not much other conversation here! 


I have taken on the Chance role on the Leyton Orient board and am considered a WUM!



I agree with you, at least the first part.  Nah, I agree with everything. lol


Olli's lack of personality is constant.  He's like that even on JL which is where I called him out for being such a belligerent, curmudgeon.  Unlike Chance who was occasionally civil, Olli never is.


Bottom line is he wasn't kicked off for not being civil.  He was kicked off for breaking the rules, after being talked to more than once about it.

He kept on speaking of selling bootlegs, which we all know we cannot do and the mods shouldn't allow. 


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Last edited by Oats
Originally Posted by Oats:


Bottom line is he wasn't kicked off for not being civil.  He was kicked off for breaking the rules, after being talked to more than once about it.

He kept on speaking of selling bootlegs, which we all no we cannot do and the mods shouldn't allow. 



I never had a problem with Olli being uncivil to me personally so I don't know about that.

I fully agree about not being allowed to stay on the board after breaking the number one rule.

It's disrespectful to all of us and makes the entire group look bad in the eyes of the Springsteen insiders who come here.Which I'm sure gets back

Bruce in some fashion.

It is no secret that Bruce is and has always been very much against bootlegs.

We have the respect of the of Bruce's camp here.Look at our very own TattooDads interview not long ago.

If the mods were to turn a blind eye on Olli do you think Steve (or anyone else affiliated with here) would get a chance like that again?


As far as the selling goes.I can't blame Olli for trying to get some money back for everything he puts up to get a single show (let alone 10 - 20 a tour)

travel, food, ticket , equipment , not to mention the computer software he has to get to "clean up" the recording.

I get it it's a any thing else.

It's not about looking down on him...or any one for that matter selling their shows.

It's the disrespect of the board that did him in.

But it is a very fair decision. Because after all it's about the board and keeping it around.


25 years ago we all ran to our favorite mom and pop record store to see if they had any new live shows in during the week.

And without the technology we have today we would all still be doing it.So it's not about buying or selling.



Like oats said

it's about breaking the rules.

you break the rules on the street you risk going to jail.You break the rules risk being banned...we all know it...

so did he.

he decided to try his luck fully knowing what could happen.


sad yes

I hate seeing him go.

but it was his choice the mods just did their job and protected our beloved site and it's reputation.  


 "Hey man, did you see that? His body hit the street with such a beautiful thud" 


Last edited by ESTRTBNDFAN

Points well made

Not sure if Bruce gives a hoot about bootlegging though.

e.g  Fan based recordings  on Sirius 

It's 000.1 % of his  income and the number of fans I create by giving them bootlegs swamps that. I must have done at least a dozen Wembley DVDs for friends and many of those will convert to ticket sales.


To requote.... as Bruce might say..  essexboy may be a fool, but he's our fool.



If you watching Mr, Landau .. stadium shows suck - come and try it!






Blessed Day

Originally Posted by essexboy:

Points well made

Not sure if Bruce gives a hoot about bootlegging though.

e.g  Fan based recordings  on Sirius 

It's 000.1 % of his  income and the number of fans I create by giving them bootlegs swamps that. I must have done at least a dozen Wembley DVDs for friends and many of those will convert to ticket sales.


To requote.... as Bruce might say..  essexboy may be a fool, but he's our fool.



If you watching Mr, Landau .. stadium shows suck - come and try it!





You're probably right. Most of the money comes from the live shows as we saw in the 2014 gross revenues.  So bootlegging is not the priority, it was years ago.  In fact now it probably drums up business and gets more folks in the seats.

That aside, we don't want anyone or the RIAA coming after the site due to one guy's stubbornness on breaking probably the most important rule on the board. No selling and no official material. 


I personally know of a member on another board that received warnings from the RIAA through his internet provider.


The cost would be too high to let it continue.


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Originally Posted by Oats:

I just read and posted an article about how they are going after casual pirates.  It's in Off Topic:

Oats,  you are confusing piracy and bootlegging. If you want to have a discussion about piracy fair enough, but don't mix it in with a discussion about bootlegging.


Also the RIAA represents the recording industry and is primarily concerned with piracy and counterfeiting. Pursuit of bootleggers would normally be done by the artist via the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).


Last edited by Mando

lol I know the difference.  But piracy and bootlegging go hand in hand.  Originally a bootleg was a copy or facsimile of the original sold as the original. Dates all the way back to the white man in N. America selling bootleg whiskey to the Indians. It was made more famous during prohibition in Chicago and all over the USA. 


Anyway it's the same organization, RIAA, that goes after both. they usually institute the initial investigation.  And if they desire they don't have to go after you just civilly.  They can choose to file criminal charges too.  Although here in the USA, the statutes vary from state to state.  Unless it's a big operation, then they can go after you federally.  How's that for a Segway?


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Originally Posted by Oats:

lol I know the difference.  But piracy and bootlegging go hand in hand.  Originally a bootleg was a copy or facsimile of the original sold as the original. Dates all the way back to the white man in N. America selling bootleg whiskey to the Indians. It was made more famous during prohibition in Chicago and all over the USA. 


Anyway it's the same organization, RIAA, that goes after both. they usually institute the initial investigation.  And if they desire they don't have to go after you just civilly.  They can choose to file criminal charges too.  Although here in the USA, the statutes vary from state to state.  Unless it's a big operation, then they can go after you federally.  How's that for a Segway?

So what is your point? Are you trying to say that someone who sells bootlegs should be classified as a pirate  whereas someone who simply trades bootlegs/supplies them for free is some sort of Robin Hood character - taking from the rich and giving to the poor?

I'm not prothelizing. I'm just saying that Olli shouldn't have espoused the sale of his bootlegs on the board.  I was told he had many warnings and ignored them all.


But I will touch on your point regarding the Robin Hoods of this world.  Here in NJ, you can burn a bootleg concert for your own enjoyment and others, trade it or give it away.  It's legal.  If you sell it, it's illegal.

Back in the snail mail days, we all played Robin Hood.  Although I heard some played Maid Marion.


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Originally Posted by Mando:
Originally Posted by Oats:

lol I know the difference.  But piracy and bootlegging go hand in hand.  Originally a bootleg was a copy or facsimile of the original sold as the original. Dates all the way back to the white man in N. America selling bootleg whiskey to the Indians. It was made more famous during prohibition in Chicago and all over the USA. 


Anyway it's the same organization, RIAA, that goes after both. they usually institute the initial investigation.  And if they desire they don't have to go after you just civilly.  They can choose to file criminal charges too.  Although here in the USA, the statutes vary from state to state.  Unless it's a big operation, then they can go after you federally.  How's that for a Segway?

So what is your point? Are you trying to say that someone who sells bootlegs should be classified as a pirate  whereas someone who simply trades bootlegs/supplies them for free is some sort of Robin Hood character - taking from the rich and giving to the poor?


Remember when you in another thrad on the same topic told me to change my tune? Who about taking your own medice and change yours? At least I did what you told me and stayed out of this topic but you just keep going like the duracell bunny.

Last edited by Stampe

I stand to be corrected on this, but I don't recall Olli actually posting an advertisement. He alludes (sorry, past tense necessary - alluded) to product that people can then follow up on if they are foolish enough to do so. 


The point that Oats, Todd and a host of other people are missing is that discussion of bootlegs, etc, is all over this board, including how one might go about purchasing same. Our mods sometimes contribute to the discussion. 


Seems that Olli is banned because he has the emotional intelligence and social skills of a dunce. But that accusation can be levelled at Buckshot and Urn, to name a couple.


As I said before, Shabbydog displayed a glaring inconsistency. Ban all sellers and people seeking to purchase, or ban none. And while I'm at it, isn't the unapproved sharing of any artist's material, official release or otherwise, illegal? We have a whole damn section of this forum devoted to it. So the fear the RIAA, the NAACP, the IRS or the IRA might shut us down because of Olli alone is laughable.  

Originally Posted by Stampe:
Originally Posted by Mando:
Originally Posted by Oats:

lol I know the difference.  But piracy and bootlegging go hand in hand.  Originally a bootleg was a copy or facsimile of the original sold as the original. Dates all the way back to the white man in N. America selling bootleg whiskey to the Indians. It was made more famous during prohibition in Chicago and all over the USA. 


Anyway it's the same organization, RIAA, that goes after both. they usually institute the initial investigation.  And if they desire they don't have to go after you just civilly.  They can choose to file criminal charges too.  Although here in the USA, the statutes vary from state to state.  Unless it's a big operation, then they can go after you federally.  How's that for a Segway?

So what is your point? Are you trying to say that someone who sells bootlegs should be classified as a pirate  whereas someone who simply trades bootlegs/supplies them for free is some sort of Robin Hood character - taking from the rich and giving to the poor?


Remember when you told me to change my tune? Who about taking your own medice and change yours?

I was wondering when you would crawl out of the woodwork.

Originally Posted by Mando:

Once again your contribution to analytical debate leaves the world speechless.


Much likes yours. It's not difficult: selling/advertesting bootlegs here is against the rules. Ollie sold/advertisted bootlegs for sale here. He was given several warnings/chances. I wasn't like he was banned the first, the second, the third ... or the 10th times. But he wouldn't listen nor understand. So he was banned. Excatly how many chances should he have?


And face it: the only reason he was here or any other Bruce site was to sell this stuff. 



Last edited by Stampe

It's the runaway debat all over again.


On one site: IT'S THE INTERNET - WE CAN SAY WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREE SPEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On the other site (the people setting up the site and running it): It may be a messageboard on the net but even on the net the people in charge can set some rules to follow when posting and if not followed you can be banned.

Originally Posted by Stampe:

It's the runaway debat all over again.


On one site: IT'S THE INTERNET - WE CAN SAY WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREE SPEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On the other site (the people setting up the site and running it): It may be a messageboard on the net but even on the net the people in charge can set some rules to follow when posting and if not followed you can be banned.

Very succinct. but... just a suggestion; I would change the spelling of site to side. eg: on the one side we have Stampe, on the other side in the far corner, we have Oats.


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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