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Great Quotations: Bruce Springsteen


Written by December 17th, 2013 at 12:41




Bruce Springsteen discusses the concept behind his new studio album High Hopes.


“The songs were relatively current and had a similar sound picture. I was interested in putting this material together in some form because it sounded like it all fit together. . .You have to imagine that when I’m home or done with a tour I go into a studio and I’m surrounded by paintings that I’ve sorta half-finished. There might be something wrong with this one and I didn’t have time to finish this one. When I go into my studio, I’m surrounded by all my music that I haven’t released. I wait to see what’s going to speak to me.”


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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