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Bruce Springsteen has shared a heartfelt tribute to founding Pogues singer Shane MacGowan, who died on November 30 at age 65 after a long illness. In a note posted on his official website and social media pages, Springsteen expressed deep praise for MacGowan’s songwriting talent, while recalling the last time he had the opportunity to see him.

“Over here on E Street, we are heartbroken over the death of Shane MacGowan,” the Boss wrote. “Shane was one of my all-time favorite writers. The passion and deep intensity of his music and lyrics is unmatched by all but the very best in the rock and roll canon.”

He added, “I was fortunate to spend a little time with Shane and his lovely wife Victoria the last time we were in Dublin. He was very ill, but still beautifully present in his heart and spirit.” Springsteen and the E Street Band were in the Irish capital back in May of this year for a trio of concerts there.

Springsteen finished his homage to MacGowan by noting, “His music is timeless and eternal. I don’t know about the rest of us, but they’ll be singing Shane’s songs 100 years from now.”

MacGowan’s wife, Victoria Mary Clarke, posted a photo on her Instagram of Springsteen visiting with her husband back in May, along with a note full of gushing praise for the Boss.

“He radiates a very very beautiful energy, he is like an embodied angel!” Clarke wrote. “It’s great to see that someone can find work that they are lit up with and that they can spend their whole life lifting people[’]s spirits through their work and stay so enthusiastic and energetic and full of gratitude and grace and appreciation for the work and for everything and everyone in their life.”

Clarke also posted another message shortly after Springsteen’s visit revealing that the Boss had sent MacGowan a large bouquet of flowers.

Meanwhile, during a 2020 interview via Zoom with Ireland’s The Late Late Show, Springsteen also expressed his admiration of MacGowan’s talent.

“He’s the man!” Springsteen declared. “He’s a master for me and [I have] a deep, deep appreciation of his work and the work he did with The Pogues.”


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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