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Musician Jake Clemons is the nephew of the late saxophonist Clarence Clemons, and have even taken his Uncle's spot in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, in addition to making his own music.
Music is in his DNA, so we invited him to Take Aim today!
Twitter-size your bio -- your choice of 140 words or characters, if you want to get technical-- and tell us everything we need to know! GO!
My love and passion is to experience music.  I want to touch, see and feel all that this life has to offer.  My philosophy is simple.. Let your life be filled with goodness, for today we were born and tonight we shall die; if we are lucky, tomorrow, we will be born again.  
If you were not doing music, you would be…
I've worked as a farmer, waiter, cook, security guard, landscaper, brick layer, restaurant manager, television host, marketing director, advertising consultant, personal assistant, insurance specialist... etc.  Music is at the core of my design.  If I wasn't doing music... I'd be miserable. 
Any non-music hobbies, talents or skills?
I love/need to surf! I have an insatiable drive for new adventures in general.
As I travel, I'm always searching out the native culture (especially local food). I listen to a science or history podcast almost every day and am usually reading a couple of books, one of which is almost always a biography.    
Pick ONE song on your record and share a writing or recording story. Something intimate, that you haven't told anyone else (or at least a bunch of writers or journalists) and that which puts us in the moment with you. Let's get intimate, shall we?
Last year while on tour in Europe, I went for a long stroll a few hours before heading to Barcelona's international airport. Lost in contemplation, the full lyric and melody for 'Song for Hope' suddenly came to me. Aware of the moment, I quickly pulled out my phone and sang into its voice recorder.  
A year or so earlier, my dear friend Ellie found out that she had miraculously become pregnant. For nearly 10 months, from her first doctors visit to the day of delivery she had to withstand constant ridicule from medical professionals claiming that her body was incapable of carrying a child full-term and that her pursuits of motherhood were irresponsible. They insisted that even if she made it to delivery, her body was inadequate and she should expect a stillborn. Despite the constant persecutions, Ellie made the daily decision to bear enough hope for both herself and her unborn child.  
A few months after her highly anticipated due date, I got on the plane in Barcelona, to attend the christening of a newly born miracle; a perfect, healthy, strong, perceptive and beautiful little girl that I received the distinct honor of calling my goddaughter. A little girl, who like many of us, was told she wasn't going to make it. A little girl, appropriately named 'Hope.' The first track on my new EP is a song for her, a song for Hope!
Finish this sentence: Jake Clemons is the artist that… always searching, and grateful to share his discovery process through every musical expression.
In our minds, Jake Clemons = totally inspiring dude.
Be sure to check out Jake's website to hear Jake's music and more!
—Amy Sciarretto 12.23.13


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Last edited by Oats
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