Raise the minimum wage. Day one.
Halt all tax cuts that are in Bush bills that have yet to be instituted.
Force the administration to follow FISA law.
Fund Stem-cell research, vigorously and immediately. Appoint Claire McCaskill to head oversight committee.
Cut the interest rate on student loans.
Allow the government to negotiate directly with drug companies.
Pass a bill that will pave the way to universal health care.
Pass the entire 9/11 commission recommendations.
Outlaw or curtail "signing statements". Explain to the American people just what has been going on.
Begin hearings on 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cheney?s energy meetings, Katrina, Pentagon no-bid contracts, congressional ethics violations and ?Plame-gate?. (FYI - Halliburton's stock has gone up 3000% since 2003. Cheney's benefit package has gone from around 250,000 to over 8 million.)
Rescind HR 5122, section 1076
Restart the Middle East peace process.
Hire new inspectors and enforcement officials at the FDA.
Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine and insist the FCC use its oversight to reverse the media consolidation of the last 12 years.
Call a halt to all earmarks until the national debt is zero. It?s only 9 trillion now.
Get rid of "No Child Left Behind" or actually fund it. Nah?get rid of it. Let Kennedy come up with a new plan.
Rescind 109-364 H.R.5122
Appoint Al Gore to head a commission to create new environmental policy. (This would really piss Bush off)
Create an energy policy that's not a license to print money for the oil companies and emphasizes alternative energy sources.
Create a fair immigration policy that does not penalize the American worker.
Insist that voting machines have a paper trail or some other tracking mechanism. Put the process in public, not private, hands.
Close Gitmo.
Get rid, once and for all, of John Bolton.
Investigate Alberto Gonzales.
Figure out a way to get Cheney under oath.
Make John Murtha Democratic leader in the House.
A few suggestions for the Republicans.
Get over it.
Stop crying.
Kiss my ass.
Original Post