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Dear friends,

I have the EV2 version of the show but as someone has pointed out here before, it is very heavy on the bass drum but not on the bass.

I also have "Philly Incident Night".

I think Tattoodad mentioned "Philly Serenades" ORIGINAL RECORDING as probably the best version. Would that be "Philly Incident Night" or is there a third version around?

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There are a bunch and I haven't listened to them in a looong time.  Here they are in alphabetical order:

1999-09-25 Backstreets Of Phil. 4 by Polar Bear Recs-1st Union Ctr, Phil, PA iem S

1999-09-25 In the Streets of Philadelphia by Earlmv-Hobbes4444-1st Union Ctr, Phil, PA aud

1999-09-25 Phil, PA DAT Mstr by Hobbes4444 (Pt Blnk & md5 incld.)-1st Union Ctr, Phil PA aud

1999-09-25 Phil, PA Mauro R Transf-1st Union Ctr, Phil, PA aud

1999-09-25 Philly Incident Nt remaster unk orig-1st Union Ctr, Phil, PA aud

1999-09-25 The Philadelphia Serenades by Ev2-1st Union Ctr, Phil, PA aud


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03



You made me a bit curious so I listened to a portion of Incident on all six.  It appears five of the six have the deeper bass drum sound.  that makes me think they all came from Hobbes master.  Out of those five, the best to my ears is Incident Night.

Now the Mauro R source is from a different source and does not have the bass sound from the drums.  It sounds nice and clean, if the rest of the tape is this good, it's a beauty.   It was transferred and edited very little by Hrubesh.


The SPL Rocks!

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


Dearest Oats,

thank you for your quick reply and your examination of the different boots. If "Incident Night" to your ears is the best of the first bunch I guess I will not need to also collect the Mauro show. I had a hard drive crash recently and am trying to size down my collection a little bit.

Back in the days, the "War" 12-inch was the only option to hear "Incident" live... Now I cannot really complain about too little live-versions in my collection.

All kind wishes

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