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Reply to "I've never felt the Patriotic surge flow through me as much as it has tonight."

@Oats posted:

When National Emergencies happen... great leaders rise to the occasion.  It's happened throughout history. In our country, the USA, it started with George Washington and the men that wrote our constitution.  Abraham Lincoln, Roosevelt and the New Deal, JFK and the standoff with Russia.  Great leaders lead in a crisis.  Trump stuck his head in the sand.  He shirked the responsibility he swore to uphold while thousands were getting sick and dying.  He got an experimental drug to help him pull through and laughed it off.  He was not a leader by any stretch of the imagination.  He brought his TV personality with him to the White House.  He was the least presidential man we ever had in office.  He's a Buffoon.

I hope my fellow Americans learn from this nightmare experience. Those that are still under his hypnotic spell need to be deprogrammed, like if they were in the Church of Scientology.

people would jump onstage and grab me by the head and scream, ‘tilly! bootlegs!'"
