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Reply to " article: Who's The Boss? Decades later, the power, passion of Bruce Springsteen perseveres"

Thanks for posting. I love these type of essays.  They bring me back to my good ole days when Bruce and I were both young. I was at College in 1973 and my roommate bought both of Bruce's Albums and played them incessantly.  Growin' Up, Lost In The Flood, For You, Saint, Sandy, Incident, Rosie and E Street bring me back to a time that was maybe the happiest of my youthful self. He took me to my first show in January of 1974 and the rest is... well you all know the rest.


The SPL Rocks!

Prego che tu stia danzando con San Pietro alle porte perlacee del cielo

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03

