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Reply to "Does anyone else feel a bit let down about these Archive Releases?"

Julius posted:

What makes 12-15-78 legendary?  Well, obviously the radio broadcast.  If 12-16 were broadcasted, or 12-20, we'd all call them legendary too.  Yes, it was a great week of music.  But to say that one is better than another, or that we're not "in the know" because we'd like 12-15 released is just stupid.  We want 12-15 released because we grew up on 12-15.  It's a radio broadcast that could use a remix by J.A. that would make it perfect.  

I know the ins and outs of 12-15 better than some of his official releases, because I've certainly listened to it more times.  As far as I am concerned, it is a live album of his, that I'm playing on a a second rate stereo.  I'd like a remix so that I can listen to in first class.  I grew up on the show (I'm 52 now, and I've had a copy of the show for well over 3 decades, as most of us have).   

Is 12-16 a better show?  Is 12-20?  I don't know.  And I don't care.  I do know that the bootlegs of those shows are far inferior to 12-15, so I could never compare them.  I've probably listened to 12-16 and 12-20 a handful a times in my lifetimes, as opposed to a lifetime of listens to 12-15. 

But what do I know.  I don't know Bruce Springsteen.  I'm going on 40 years of not knowing Bruce Springsteen.


You're making my point for me.  If they did release a SBD from the 16th or the 20th, you'd be able to compare them?  Maybe, just maybe,  you'd even say and I'm paraphrasing here... "Hot damn, that must been one hell of a show cuz the band was tight, Bruce was loose and it sounds fantastic" 


The SPL Rocks!

Prego che tu stia danzando con San Pietro alle porte perlacee del cielo

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03

