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Does anyone else feel a bit let down about these Archive Releases?

Does anyone else feel like me about all these archive releases?

All of them are our favorite releases but part of what made them our favorites were they sounded so good to begin with. It's great to get our all time favorite boots in this quality but I'm a bit disappointed.

NUGS, Bruce, JL Inc., whoever is in charge is using folks just like you and me, knowledgeable fans that have been fans forever and asking them which shows have been touted as great over the years. 

I feel like they are using our research, in particular, Rich Breton, Flynn, The SPL, Backstreets etc. Don't get me wrong. I'd do the same thing but I'd mix it up a bit and do a bit of my own research and listen to a few in the vaults that haven't been publicly touted in the usual sites and spring them on us. 

Wouldn't it be really nice to get an unknown Australia show in great quality. That would blow my mind. I'd be ecstatic. Even a stadium show from the Rising Tour that wasn't one for the history books, pick one from the 10 shows in Jersey.

I want and would prefer to add some great sounding shows to my collection that I don't have. I don't want to add another brick onto my foundation of great Springsteen shows even if it a solid gold brick.

This feels anticlimactic. I'm a bit let down.

C'mon Bruce put someone to work listening to a few of the shows not touted as great, get them cracking on a few good ones and I'll bet you'll be surprised at the public reaction and sales.


The SPL Rocks!

Prego che tu stia danzando con San Pietro alle porte perlacee del cielo

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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