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Darkness Tour Box set from Nugs


So Nugs is putting the Darkness tour shows in a box set. Along with the 5 broadcasts, they are including the 9/20 Passaic, 12-8 Houston, and 12/16 Winterland. If you have them all already, you can order the box alone for $15 (that's right $15 for a cardboard box with a photo of Bruce).

I suspect this means that Nugs and Bruce are not planning to release anytime in the near future either the 7/1/78 Berkeley (from which "Paradise by the C" and "Prove It All Night" radio releases were taken)  or the final night at Passaic. So it look like the JEMS Coup de Grace may be the best we'll get of 9/21/78. It also seems to me that any of the soundman two-track soundboard tapes of other shows are not going to be appearing anytime soon.


"I've done my best to live the right way"

Last edited by LB
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