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Belfast club is having a night that's dedicated to Bruce Springsteen featuring his tunes and burgers

Six hours of The Boss' tunes. Heaven for any Bruce fan that's near the area.

"I was tryin' to find some decent grub
But all I got was a scone
Bouncing off the dance floor
Crushin' the last lone Springsteen song
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody hungry out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody hungry out there?"

If the idea of hours upon hours of Bruce Springsteen tracks, delicious burgers, and enough pints/fun/dancing to fill a hungry heart appeals to you, you'll be delighted to know that the hardcore fans behind Hungry Heart will be coming to Belfast. The Boss famously wandered the Streets of Philadelphia in search of answers, but if you live anywhere close to Belfast, we know where you'll be on 17 May.

The Empire, that's where.

Bruce Springsteen

This night might appeal to quite a few people because Hungry Heart have already sold out both shows in Dublin and they're back for more.

In terms of what fans can expect, get set for bumper to bumper Springsteen tracks during a euphoric marathon run of The Boss' superb back catalogue.

You're going to hear all the hits along with niche versions ,acoustic tracks and live recordings for six hours straight.


Tickets cost £10 and you can pick them up here.

If you're curious about what the night looks like, you can take a look here.

Clip via Hungry Heart


The SPL Rocks!

Prego che tu stia danzando con San Pietro alle porte perlacee del cielo

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03


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