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Reply to "PRESS RELEASE: Rocker Rich Lynch Rearranges Broadway Marquee and Emerges with the Timely "Ow, A Bad Singer's Pony Rent""

I agree prices are high but it is Broadway where they're always high for the hits.

Secondly what this singer doesn't realize cuz he's nowhere near as successful is Bruce isn't making much doing this.  Using round figures the place holds 860.

860 x 500 = 43,000.00 per show

The theater gets its rent and a percentage of the production.

Even though it looks like Bruce doesn't  have many expenses compared to a concert.  There are still quite a few.  If anyone scans the playbill you'll see what I mean.  Security, the union staff at the theater, Bruce's management team, Bruce's regular's of which 35 are listed.  All of them get paid and I don't think they're working for minimum wage.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is Bruce isn't doing this for the money.

IMHO, it's the challenge of trying something new.  Bruce is not afraid of a challenge especially when it's within his own artistic purview.




The SPL Rocks!

Prego che tu stia danzando con San Pietro alle porte perlacee del cielo

Pulled up to my house today
Came and took my little girl away!
Giants Stadium 8/28/03

